Our record library has been steadily built up from a clutch of nostalgic LPs under a table when we started, to a massive archive of recordings covering the period 1900 - the end of 1969. It currently boasts150,000 songs and is constantly being added to.
Built up mostly from the private collections of our presenters, the 150,000 songs comprise of original 78rpm shellac records transferred onto minidiscs plus some LPs and 45rpm discs from the period together with some nostalgic CDs. Details are stored on computers in a huge Microsoft Excel file which can be easily accessed for requests and research purposes.
The library consists of a complete variety of musical styles of the period - a massive heritage and recognition of the artistes that are almost entirely passed over by other radio stations.
1. British dance bands
2. American dance bands
3. Jazz and Swing bands
4. Famous singers
5. Personalities & Comedy acts
6. Rock and Roll
7. Country & Western
8. Blues, Rhythm & Blues and Gospel
9. Trad Jazz bands
10. Operetta singers
11. Pre 1926 accoustic recordings
12. All the 1950s chart entries
13. Brass Band, Military, Pipe & Wurlitzer, mechanical organ, light classical.
14. Easy Listening orchestras ,
15. Music from the films & musicals of the era plus nostalgic comedy & radio
The Record Library